Noah "Flatliner" Sarvis 

Noah “Flatliner” Sarvis


when you rode by kids would look up at you and see the quintessential biker

they wanted to be you, emulate you, follow you and know you

you had the voice clint eastwood with 15 lb testicles

you are the coolest guy, with the coolest scar

you would shut down a stadium with your attention

you’re tuff

you’re american

you are my brother

and i love ya bro

~ Buck



Not forgotten.

Love ya brother.




You will never be forgotten!!!

I love you BROTHER!!!




I heard of you before I was ever in EOD

I looked up to you when I was

You taught me to be a good EOD Tech

And showed me how to be a good Chief

You made the path for me to follow as a biker

You taught me and inspired me

You didn’t have to try and be a good Chief, biker, or friend

You just were.




Love you BROTHER.




I remember seeing peoples reaction when Flatliner returned to the EODMC. At the time, this organization was rebuilding from the scratch. By the respect I saw others had for him, I knew the Club would make it.

The first time I met him he was in a wheel chair, barely able to stand much like us as a club. We grew strong together, because of each other. I have sought his advice, I have sought the comfort of his friendship.

He was the first person to show me the true meaning of “I Love My Brother”.




You will be missed. I will never forget you.




Brother you are my fried, my mentor, and my family. All others have aspired to emulate you because you define us all. You are forever riding into the sunset and striking respect to all of those who see you ride by. Your heart was genuine and always there for your brothers. I will miss you and you take a piece of all of us with you. Love you Brother




Brother you will forever be missed, love you and may the roads you travel on in the next life be warm sunny and smooth. Rest in piece bro.




I’ve made an unscheduled trip to Florida to be with brothers, friends and family; I’ve shed tears of sorrow at the loss of Flatliner. Yet, somehow, I lack the ability to fully accept his passing. A large part of me still believes that I’ll see him at the next event and be able to overfill his glass with ice or make a smartass comment that just makes him stop, smile and shake his head in amazement of my lack of audible filter. I expect to hear that familiar grizzly voice that says I love you brother. Maybe I have issues with letting go, but if that’s the case, I’m happy to say I do, because Flatliner had that type of wonderful personality. One that grips you to your soul and regardless of how you try, he stays with you.

There are so many words that play out in my mind to describe my sentiments, yet I find myself unable to compose anything that could even come close to describing how I feel.

Brother, we WILL meet again on the backroads of the afterlife. We will ride in the peaceful serenity of heaven forever. I will meet you amongst the skies and the sun shall shine on us forever more.




Words cannot describe the Love in our hearts for you Brother.

Missing you Brother




I met you for the first time at the 1st EODMC Poker Run in Charleston SC. From that day forth you have shown me many things in the MC world and the EOD world and in life. I’ll never forget the stories, friendship and brotherhood. I will miss you sorely. I love you Brother. May you rest in peace.




Brother, my heart weighs heavy with this loss to our community, profession, and family. Noha was a great mangood friend and a better brother. He watched over us, protected us. He was a leader of leaders. His look and demeanor demanded respect to all, yet his heart was kind and true. He made us better men by simply standing next to us. In our time morning I offer only these words to help comfort us. Live in faith, to walk the path of righteousness means to accept our lords plan. We may question it and not understand the why. But for the man that walks with lord, he will carry us through any adversity. As the lord shard his son Flatliner with us.




our EODMC family lost a legend of a man. A man that had a soft growl and a smile that could melt your soul. Everyone that met him left touched in mind, body, and soul. I guess GOD couldn’t handle those EOD techs that left before us and he needed help. Flatliner, you are the one. The one that held us together, bonded us, and taught us. Now it is time for you to do the same for those that “We Remember.” I Love You My Brother, Flatliner.

~Hose Clamp



Rest in peace, I know your hair is still the wind, love you bro




Noah, you one of the best people I have ever had the honor of knowing.For everyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing you or working with or for you our lives will never be the same.We will keep you in our hearts forever and Boomers will never be the same without you.It hurts my heart to say this but see you later Noah because its never goodbye.Please hold a good seat for me there.I look forward to seeing you again on the other side.I hope you can be at peace kmowing you were so loved by so many.

~ Kim Thompson, Goose creek, South Carolina



Can’t believe you are gone. I will miss you everyday. You were such a great man, and helped me and my family so much. Love you Noah…this one is for you.

~ Natalie Sellers, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina



It was a good service today, and this event really hit home for a lot of us. Family and friends are in our prayers.

~ Rick Fine, Navarre, Florida



There will be no sweeter or kinder man. Doc and I will miss you dearly friend.

~ Brandy Miller, Summerville, South Carolina



The time I knew you was precious. You were a cherished friend and I will always keep you in my heart.

~ Lisa Sams, Charlestonss, South Carolina



You will be sorely missed you were a dear friend your family is in our prayer’s. RIP Noah (Flatliner)

Jan & Bill

~ Janet Mclaurin, Goose-Creek, South Carolina



My heart is heavy today knowing that I cant be there to say goodbye properly…It was such a honor to have known you…you will be forever in the hearts of many…RIP Noah

~ Tara Gaskins, Goose Creek, South Carolina



We all luv you bunches!!

~ victoria, hanahan, South Carolina



noah u are by far one of the kindest and honorable men i have ever known,rip my friend.u will b missed and never forgotten!

~ joanna lee, goosecreek, South Carolina



Noah.. You will be missed my friend. It was always great to see your smiling face. I valued our friendship and I will cherish the memories I have. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

~ Pam Polk, Panama City Beach, Florida



RIP Noah..wish I could have gotten to know you better thoughts and prayers go out to your seemed to be full of life and a genuinely great person.

~ Laura Collins, Summerville, South Carolina



The angels will be with you noah as they watch over your family and friends!! We all luv you very much and may god bless you

~ victoria, hanahan, South Carolina



RIP Noah, Liz I’m very sorry for your loss and for Noah’s family and friends as well. Liz Zivic (Vieques, P.R.)

~ Liz Zivic, Vieques, Puerto Rico



RIP Flatliner you never be forgotten. Your family is in our prayers.

~ George Cowan, VA Beach, Virginia



Liz, although we’re not in touch, I’ve thought of you often over the years and wished you well. I’m so sorry you’ve lost your Noah and wish peace for him and, with time’s passing, for you. Love you always! -Trapper John

~ Liz, St Louis



RIP Flatliner…You will be greatly missed..My prayers are with Your many friends and Family!!!

~ Kaleo, Florida